"You Suck!"
Dreamy, heartfelt electro-pop with jazzy R&B influence.
Reviewed November 9. 2023
The first of two eps put out by Boise-based ex.cept1, You Suck! is a brief but deep collection of lovelorn dream-pop. Atop sparse programmed instrumentation, ex.cept1’s vocals are the star of the show. The melodies sink and float along the top of each song’s current, marking the mood like waves that never reach the shore. It’s an approach not commonly heard in lo-fi indie-pop, with firm nods to jazz classics like Billie Holiday and Nina Simone (or more recently, and perhaps more accurately, Solange), and the electronic accompaniment nudges it into trip-hop territory, hearkening comparisons to Portishead and Bjork. But even within these confines, ex.cept1 finds new corners of genre to explore or explode, quite literally, with shattering glass beginning the relatively uptempo “SLC/MT” and a mesmerizing keyboard warble driving the verses in “Daisii.”
The ep is firmly in the “bedroom pop” category due to its production quality, which often carries an ambient room-hiss and occasionally distracting lip-smacks between vocals. It’s not difficult to imagine the impact a cleaner recording and more nuanced mix would have on these songs. “Infallible Infinity,” in particular, has the potential to win over listeners across multiple genres (I hear both SZA and Unknown Mortal Orchestra) with a little more care given to the balance and delivery.
This is a fantastic introduction to an immensely talented musician with a unique approach and impactful result. The follow-up ep B-Side (you suck!) released a month later confirms that ex.cept1 is on a path toward exceptional things.